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Are you in doubt of your GPA score! Are you in a dillemma of not graduating? Would you like to calculate it?
Calculate It here

Are you worried of your performance and would like to improve it? Get Access to a list of sites that will enable you improve your perormance HERE.

Are you a graduate and would like to apply for jobs. Click here to check some of the available opportunities.

Are you a graduate and would like to apply for scholarships. Here is a list of scholarships you can apply.

Do you want to further your studies and increase emplyability skills! Here is a list of institution you can enroll into ... both local and international

  1. Moringa School for Software Development skills
  2. Kenya Institute of professional Studies for Proffessional Studies
  3. Kenya Institute of Management for Managerial Skills
  4. Kiambu Institute of Bussiness Studies for business skills
  5. Kanya Institute of Mass communication for Media skills

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